Friday, April 6, 2007

Making it through week 1

I can still remember my visit to Drexel as a high school student. Drexel was the last school I visited; I came on a Friday during the summer, it was 100 degrees outside and was so tired from the week of college searching, that I couldn't help wanting to get this last one finished. I did the tour thing, but was most interested in what students had to say about CoOp, the reason Drexel was my top choice. They all had positive remarks to make.
Now, a pre-junior at Drexel, I am one of those students who does "the tour thing" and gets asked about CoOp. I have just returning from my second of three "internships," which have been more than rewarding, however I must say that returning to class after 6 months away from pure academia can be quite stressful.
On CoOp, I put in my 10hrs a day at the office, but when I left the building, I was on my own time; no hard classes to stress over, multiple finals were no longer a reality. Now im back in class. Week one has just ended, and to keep up with the material this term, my weekends will be spent at the library. In all honesty, I like it. After all, this is college and you must dedicate your time to "building the foundation" as all my professors say.
So, week two is about to begin, after a weekend of reading and preparation for class. I plan to spend the week in the books again so I can head to the Pat Metheny Concert on Friday. His new CD has just been released; I hope he covers some of the charts.